Cancer Protection Plan

Self-Financed Drugs for Treatment of Cancer Disease in Hong Kong Government Hospitals Insurance Plan.

Cancer Protection Plan

Get a Premium Indication

HK$13 / month
Payment of Premium via Faster Payment System (FPS) only

It is essential to be protected.

For the past 5 years, cancer has claimed more than 35 lives in Hong Kong every day.

Ease of Mind

The insured person:

  1. Need not worry about the high costs of treatment and expensive new drugs; and
  2. Need not worry about the financial commitments; and 
  3. Will be able to maintain the living standard without any compromise; and 
  4. Can focus on the medical treatment.

Our Product Features

Self-Financed Drugs for Treatment of Cancer Disease in Hong Kong Government Hospitals.

HK$500,000 in a life time

Age of enrolment
Age 18 to age 55

Up to age 85

Wait Time or Black-out Period
90 days

Who is covered?

The Insured Person only.

The Insured Person must be a person who:

  1. Is a permanent legal resident in Hong Kong;
  2. Holds a Hong Kong Identity Card; and
  3. For new Insured Person, is between 18 to 55 years of age on the inception date of the first policy and renewable up to 85 years of age.

What is covered?

UBi protects the Insured Person for the costs of Self-Financed Drugs for ALL types of Cancer Disease Treatment paid during the current Period of Insurance provided that such costs of Self-Financed Drugs must be charged made to the patient under “Public Charges – Eligible Persons” as defined under Gazette (G.N. 2017 of 2020) of the Hospital Authority Ordinance (Cap 113) of Hong Kong (“Ordinance”).

For the costs of Self-Financed Drugs on subsequent Cancer Disease Treatment to be paid or due beyond the expiry date of current Policy, indemnity will be provided upon successful renewal of the policy.

Treatment means Cytotoxic Chemotherapy, Cancer Hormone Therapy, Cancer Immunotherapy, Targeted Cancer Therapy and Cancer Gene Therapy, but it does not include any other Supportive/Preventive therapy.

What are not covered?

This Plan does NOT protect the Insured Person:

  1. When being diagnosed within 90 days from the First Insurance Date;
  2. When the Insured Person has been diagnosed as person suffering from any Cancer Disease or experienced symptoms (even if the Insured Person has not consulted any Medical Doctor) prior to the First Insurance Date;
  3. When the Insured Person tested HIV positive or any HIV related illness when filing a claim with UBi; or
  4. Who are under prescription of drug(s) which is/are used as preventive purposes for any Cancer Disease.

How is covered?

When the Insured Person is:

  1. Being diagnosed Cancer Disease after 90 days from the First Insurance Date of any Prescribed Hospital (prescribed under Schedule 1 and 2 of the Ordinance); and
  2. Being treated by and under the direction of the attending in-house medical doctor in any Prescribed Hospital or at home.

When is covered?

  1. When the Cancer Disease is first time made known to the Insured Person 90 days after the First Insurance Date; and
  2. A Claim Report is filed with UBi during the Period of Insurance.
Period of Insurance means the period from the inception of in-forced Policy until its termination as shown in the schedule of policy.

First Insurance Date means the date specified in Policy Schedule which shall be the first date of the first insurance policy that Insured Person has maintained continuous uninterrupted insurance on the Plan with UBi.

Where is covered?

The treatment must be administrated in any Prescribed Hospital or at home as recommended by the attending in-house medical doctor(s) in any Prescribed Hospital.

To what extent is covered

UBi pays a maximum limit of HK$500,000 during the lifetime of the Insured Person. For Chinese Medicine Rider, the maximum protection limit is HK50,000 during the lifetime.

Can Coverage be extended to include treatments with Traditional Chinese Medicines?

Optional Coverage - Chinese Medicine Benefit Rider

When the costs of Self-Financed Drugs have been paid or payable, coverage applies to the costs of Chinese Medicine prescribed by Chinese Medicine Practitioner at Chinese Medicine Clinical Centers which are directly under the School of Chinese Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.

No benefit is payable for consultation fee.

80% of costs of Chinese Medicines; subject to a maximum of HK$250 per day and HK$50,000 during the life time

What is the Right of the Insured Person to cancel the policy?

The Insured Person can cancel this insurance at any time by giving 30 days’ advance notice to UBi; provided that no claim has been filed and unpaid claim(s) is/are deemed withdrawn by the Insured Person under this insurance. Calculation of return premium will be based on pro-rata unexpired premium after deducting 10% of annual premium for administration costs of UBi. No Charge will be imposed if refund premium is less than administration costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Prescribed Hospitals?
What is the duty of the insured person?
What is Cancer?
Types of Treatment?
What are Self-Financed Drugs?
What is the Policy Definition of “Smoker”?
Are there any age limits?
Are there any special conditions in the insurance policy?
Any Waiting Time or Black-out Period?
How much could be reimbursed?
Chinese Medicine Benefit Rider?
Download Specimen Policy

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